Hello MSP Wolfpack!
We are so excited to announce that the MSP family is growing. FTX CrossFit is joining the MSP community. This blog is intended to tell you all about how this new location will be incorporated into the Wolfpack and answer questions that you might be thinking about. If you have questions not answered here, please reach out to us at [email protected] and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible!
Why are we growing?
As our Wheaton location knows, space in Wheaton has become a building concern. The MSP Wheaton team has been exploring options to increase our space for over twelve months.
We looked at a few gyms in the area for partnership and even explored what it would look like to build a new facility nearby, but ultimately it made the most sense to partner with FTX. They are close enough that some of our Wheaton members might have a shorter commute to the gym, but far enough away that we don’t directly compete, especially given our small, family boutique model.
This means we will have more space for our members to work out safely and comfortably and more options for training and fitness services.
Additionally, every one of our owners firmly believes that we can positively impact our community by improving the quality of life in our community through exercise and nutrition. A broader reach means that we can impact more lives and help people achieve real results. It also means that we can build careers for our coaches that are aligned with their passion for fitness.
Why FTX?
FTX aligns with MSP’s vision for community and results-oriented fitness. They have created a vibrant and engaging community. Through meeting and getting to know the former owner, Andres, the FTX coaches, and many of the members, we are pleased to have discovered how similar our communities actually are. We all empower each other to track progress, achieve the best possible outcomes for individual goals, and foster a family community through social events and gatherings. It’s a perfect fit!
Why now?
It has been a long process of trying to find the right space and fit for our community’s needs. There have been several locations and projects that didn’t work out for various reasons. All of you have encouraged us through this process, and we are so thankful for all of your support! We are pleased that we have been able to respond to the community’s requests for more space and we can’t wait to share this new location with you!
What does this mean for me (a current MSP member)?
Until September 16th, our transition team (Mike, Jimmy, and Ashley) will be going on site to meet & greet the FTX staff and members. We will be working hard to win the hearts and minds of the community. FTX is a special place and we want to show them that we will support the FTX legacy, mission, and vision.
FTX CrossFit is a CrossFit gym with traditional CrossFit movements (olympic lifting, CrossFit WODs, etc.), and we will respect the onboarding process in place for new members.
The businesses will run as separate entities until Saturday, September 16th, 2023, when we will host an Open House at FTX CrossFit to officially welcome FTX to the MSP family and to celebrate as a family!
Let’s Celebrate!!!
This event will include a multi-location workout (scaled for all), a short speech from the MSP Owners about the MSP vision, a seminar on nutrition and training from Renaissance Periodization PhD Dr. Nathan Jenkins (CrossFit athlete), and enjoy a celebratory meal together for the first time!
Registration required (for attendance and food counts). Register here.
Starting September 17th, 2024, current MSP members (of any location) are welcome to book a tour at the new location to see it and celebrate! The booking link will be sent out in the September newsletter.
FTX CrossFit Memberships
If you would like to explore transferring your membership to FTX CrossFit, please reach out to [email protected] and we’ll schedule a meeting with you to walk through what that process looks like.
What does this mean for me (a current FTX CrossFit member)?
Mike, Jimmy, and Ashley are the MSP Owners facilitating this transition. Our goals for 2023 include learning and observing the existing community at FTX CrossFit. We seek to understand the existing processes and we’ll be asking for feedback from coaches and members as to what (if anything!) might be improved. The gym will remain a CrossFit affiliate gym with CrossFit classes.